318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107



Difficulty with bowel movements is a common pet problem especially with elderly animals.

There can be a number of reasons why a pet might experience constipation including diet, lack of exercise, medication, enlarged glands, and hernia. When a pet cries or strains when attempting to defecate, or has not had a bowel movement in over two days, call your veterinarian.


Once your veterinarian determines a reason for your pet’s constipation, a number of treatment options are available.

  • Medication : a stool softener or laxative, or other medication might be prescribed.
  • Diet : a high fiber diet can be helpful including canned pumpkin, wheat bran or Metamucil.
  • Increased exercise : once the condition has been treated, your veterinarian might suggest an exercise plan for your pet.

If left untreated, constipation can become extremely painful and can cause lethargy, vomiting, and an impacted colon.

Call us if you have any questions about your pet’s constipation and to make an appointment.