318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Pain Management

A veterinarian can manage a pet’s pain in a variety of situations. Pain management can help a pet recover from surgery, infection or a wound. Pain management is also important in chronic conditions like arthritis or cancer. When pain is managed, the quality of a pet’s life is improved and the time we have with our pets can be extended.

There are certain behaviors that pets demonstrate to communicate pain. These can include :

  • Quiet, unresponsive behavior.
  • Articulating in whines or barks for no obvious reason.
  • Acting differently.
  • Sleeping or eating patterns change.
  • Licking or biting a part of the body.

If you think your pet is experiencing pain, contact your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can give your pet an examination, and necessary tests to diagnose the problem.

If your pet is in pain, a veterinarian is trained to administer medication that effective and safe. Human medications can be lethal to pets, so it is important that owners do not try to medicate their pets.

Your veterinarian can also advise you about the effectiveness of alternative pain solutions like acupuncture.

Contact us for questions about pain and to make an appointment.